Health and Wellness
Berkeley and surrounding cities have abundant healthcare and community service resources; however, most programs do not have the capacity to meet the increasing demand from seniors. Care navigation for accessing resources, affordable in-home care, and memory care are gaps in local resources. Participants in the Berkeley Continuum, Age-Friendly Berkeley and Alameda County
planning consistently voiced a desire to bring services and supports to them in their home rather than requiring institutional care. Residents need access to providers and other health and wellness services such as venues for fitness, especially in South and West Berkeley. Berkeley is unique in having its own public health jurisdiction, however, there needs to be more coordination with the County Public Health Department and neighboring cities’ Age-Friendly efforts to address and prevent common health issues.
Already In Development
✔ Emergency preparedness and resiliency planning
✔ Healthy food access and cooking programs
✔ Whole Person Care pilot, an Alameda County wrap around program for the homeless
✔ Alameda County’s Senior Injury Prevention Program (SIPP)
Goal and Recommendations
Develop a more integrated system of services and supports that are person-centered and ensure that all residents have the opportunity to engage in health promoting activities.
➔ Equity and Inclusion:
Implement additional health related programs around nutrition and exercise, with special outreach to underserved groups.
Broaden outreach for dental care to low income and vulnerable seniors.
Expand eligibility criteria for subsidized services to raise access levels to moderate income individuals.
➔ Information:
Provide affordable, local navigators to help address basic systems navigation needs, e.g., public benefits, housing, and service referrals.
➔ Infrastructure and policy:
Obtain funding for additional geriatric case managers and navigators.
Convene a summit on memory care to plan a community response to dementia and related diseases.
Improve the workforce pipeline of home care workers and create a centralized source of vetted referrals.
Champion lower costs for in-home services, while ensuring a living wage for home health care workers.
Create a culture and community
that is inclusive, equitable, and
accessible for people of all ages.
The Goal of Age-Friendly Berkeley