Our Planning Process


✔ Convened leadership team and worked with the Mayor to launch the initiative

✔ Completed assessment and was accepted into the national and international Network of Age-Friendly Cities

✔ Included “Age-Friendly” planning in the City of Berkeley’s strategic plan

2016-2018: Action Planning cycle

✔ Researched background information

  • Reviewed WHO guidelines and other cities’ Age-Friendly Action Plans

  • Researched Age-Friendly assets and resources in Berkeley.

  • Reviewed Berkeley results from the 2016 Alameda County Plan for Older Adults

  • Collected relevant information from the 2017 Berkeley Age-Friendly Continuum Needs Assessment

✔ Collected data from the community using WHO’s Global Age-Friendly framework

  • Conducted a community survey both online and by utilizing local organizations to distribute hard copies in English and Spanish

  • Interviewed City staff from all departments to assess how their work could align with Age-Friendly goals, and to assess resources and potential recommendations

  • Evaluated results

✔ Gathered additional community feedback from public sessions

  • Added two additional focus groups to the 3 focus groups 14 from the 2017 Berkeley Continuum needs assessment

  • Held several meetings and a public forum with the Commission on Aging

  • Presented progress report and solicited feedback from the Berkeley City Council

✔ Synthesized community data and worked with partners to frame recommendations.


December 2018 -January 2021

➔ Finalize report and submit to AARP and WHO

➔ Implement Action Plan (see page 21)

Year 1: Set up action framework, convene work teams and begin data collection

Years 2-3: Execute, coordinate, and track progress of action items

  • Conduct an evaluation of the implementation process

  • Determine future needs

  • Update Action Plan


Create a culture and community

that is inclusive, equitable, and

accessible for people of all ages.

The Goal of Age-Friendly Berkeley