Transportation and Mobility

Transportation is a major concern for older residents, especially those in isolated areas such as the Berkeley Hills and low-income residents in other areas of the city. Many older adults are unfamiliar with public transportation or do not trust its reliability. Uneven sidewalks and pedestrian safety concerns are also barriers for accessing transportation options. Public transit issues such as the absence of benches or shelter at station stops and inadequate lighting, often prevent people from using services. Better public transportation options can help seniors access needed services and combat feelings of isolation. Safe driving refresher courses are also needed but there are few local options.

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Already In Development

✔ New street policy and design approaches being used as streets are repaired and developed

✔ Master Pedestrian Plan being developed in commercial areas

✔ City sidewalks being assessed for repairs

✔ Mobility management and travel training being offered to seniors


Goal and Recommendations

Advance a network of public and private transportation that equitably serves residents and connects them to services, social activities, and employment opportunities.

➔ Equity and Inclusion:

  • Ensure that popular destinations are accessible via various transportation modes, particularly for those in outlying neighborhoods or with mobility challenges.

➔ Information:

  • Extend education programs about transit options.

  • Promote older driver safety by linking seniors to low-cost defensive driving workshops.

➔ Infrastructure and policy:

  • Continue to develop ‘complete streets’ design to ensure safe travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation.

  • Collaborate to advance affordability, availability, and reliability of public transportation.

  • Improve transportation infrastructure (benches, pavement, shelters).

  • Create well marked ‘safe routes’ to common destinations with smooth sidewalks, large print signs, and good lighting.


Create a culture and community

that is inclusive, equitable, and

accessible for people of all ages.

The Goal of Age-Friendly Berkeley